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The Council of Representatives 

The Council of Representatives is the national legislature of The Strathan Government. It is made up of members of The Republic Councils, elected by the people of their communes to represent them at the national level. These people have generally been in politics for a number of years, most of them having started off in local communal councils and worked their way through the system.

The Council meets regularly in the capital city to discuss important matters of the state as a whole, as well as to vote on bills being proposed and to debate those proposals. It is the duty of each member of the Council to take the concerns of their communes' people to the national council as well as those of their respective republics too.

Members of the council serve terms of five years, and are voted in by their communes during the Council Elections, held two weeks after the National Elections, during which the Commissars are elected into their offices. This ensures that The People's Commissar and Vice-People's Commissar do not hold seats on the Council. There is no term limit for Council members, they may choose to run for reelection any number of times.

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